18 November 2009

Session Two

Tonight is the first class in the next session of classes and I am so nervous my stomach hurts. Every time I think about walking into that class tonight, my heart rate jumps through the roof and I find myself short of breath. I'm not sure why. Most of the people in the class are people I know and have worked with for eight weeks already. There are a couple of new faces (I think, based on the email that went out reminding us that we have class today), but I shouldn't be this scared of starting a new class.

I think it is because I have no idea what to expect. I'm guessing we'll continue with some repetition stuff and add onto it and build from there throughout the next eight weeks, but I don't know for sure. I'm afraid of what I'm going to do in this class. Not in a "I might hurt someone or myself or be asked to do horribly immoral things" kind of a way. In more of a "what deep dark secrets of my soul are going to be revealed on stage now" kind of a way. And in the general introverted sense of "I'm going to have to go interact with people and be energetic and enthusiastic and whatnot" kind of a way. But even without all of that, not knowing what to expect can be a very scary thing.

I know I'll do fine. I know I can handle whatever they throw at me. And I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again and working with them more. I just hope I can convince my GI tract of that before class starts.

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